COVID-19 Policy

At Land & Sea, we operate under FDA guidance and direction for all matters related to food safety and hygiene. As such, we have already established protocols for cleaning and sanitation of work areas that are far stricter than the general guidelines being recommended. All food-handling areas are cleaned at the end of each shift, and any area exposed to product is fully sanitized.  

Our largest adjustment, as it has been for many businesses, has been taking steps to ensure employee and customer safety.

We are taking stringent precaution -- currently, one of our team members is employed solely for the task of cleaning and sanitizing trucks and non-operating areas of the facility. 

Delivery drivers change gloves after each stop as well as using sanitizer. Masks are worn during all deliveries.

Additionally, during home delivery, drivers will leave the product on the front doorstep (unless the order specifies otherwise) and ring the doorbell before departing; there is no contact with the homeowner.

All of our team members wear masks anytime they are outside a personal office. Gloves are worn at all times in the operating facility.


During this uncertain time, we are actively taking measures to keep everyone around us safe and healthy -- we hope you are too.